Fun & Rides For All

The annual Coastal Carolina Fair has returned to North Charleston, South Carolina. Families swarm Ladson fair grounds to enjoy food, rides, and concerts. During the week gates open at 3:00 p.m and close at 9:00 p.m ,and 10:00 p.m on the weekends. 
The lines for rides such as Crazy Mouse, Fireball,Chaos, are fairly short, however, as night approaches the lines begin to grow. 

Not all rides are suitable for young children and there are set height requirements for those who intend to enjoy these rides. No need to worry, those that are not eligible to ride high speed rides due to height requirement and other conditions, are able to find attractions that may suite their needs, included crazy houses filled with mirrors and fun gadgets. 

While walking around fair grounds, the smell of funnel cake fills the air as guest indulge on sweet treats, pizza, and turkey legs. Aside from the laughter and screams of the guest the sound of music lingers in the atmosphere. Musical guest, dance groups, and other entertainment are known to show up and perform on stage for those who solely come to enjoy the fair food and watch performances. However, some guest also walk through the crowd to gain the full experience of the Coastal Carolina Fair.


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